KTV culture?


Last Sunday, I went to Party World with my co-worker. That makes my KTV count to 4 times so far. 1 in Taipei, 1 in Auckland, and 2 in Vancouver. Here are a few things that I have observed:

  • Have to order Pong-Da-Hai...apparently it helps with your singing
  • Most of the time, you won't know everyone in the room. (true for 3 of the 4 times)
  • It's a very supportive enviroment... no matter how badly you sing.
  • Can't be shy or you will be just sitting there and not singing (me)
  • To be "Hi", someone gotta sing a fast song...and someone has to dance/move along. (or candle light/cellphone light)
  • Do Not leave the list empty, have to max it out!

Overall, I find that KTV is a good place to meet people (in your booth. ie Friend's friend), and I realize that if I ever want to make it in Taiwan/HK/China... I better start learning.


Patty said...
